Our new supply kit includes everything you need to make 2 fabulous, tassel keyrings. This is a quick, fun, no sew make using our gorgeous new faux leather fringe trim.
Take your pre-cut strip of fringe (we’ve used about 12cm). Separate 3 fringes from the main section and cut these off – this section will become the tab that connects to the swivel clip. Thread the tab section through the bottom of the swivel clip and add 2 small strips of double sided tape to the bottom as shown (both sides are the same so no need to worry about right and wrong sides here). Double sided tape might seem like an unusual thing to use here but it’s very common in traditional leatherwork as an alternative to glue. In fact if you own a leather jacket and were to take it apart you would likely find double sided tape on the inside!!
Remove the backing on your tape pieces and stick together enclosing the D-ring at the bottom of the clip – to get all the fringes lined up neatly it helps to do this one by one. Apply two strips of tape along the top of your fringe, cut your supplied wire in half, remove backing on top strip of tape and attach this piece of wire from right to left so the excess wire hangs over the left hand edge. Remove the backing from the other strip of tape. Stick your prepared tab on the right hand side.
Now start to gently roll the tab along the length of the fringe, pressing into the tape as you go. Once you reach the end grasp the wire and start to wrap it around the top of the tassel you have created. Wind the wire round the tassel at least 6 times from top to bottom trying to keep the wire from overlapping especially at the front. You will have plenty of wire but you don’t want to wrap too much or the next step will be a bit tricky! You need a wire tail of around 3 inches to finish up.
When you have finished wrapping turn your tassel to the back and using the end of the wire a bit like a needle thread it under the wraps you have made from top to bottom about 3 times, pulling tight after each turn. This will help secure your wire in place. Trim the excess wire as close to the wrap as you can and squeeze the front and back between your fingers for a few seconds to set in place. Done! Now you can clip your tassel on to your keys, or your bag or indeed anything you like!!!

Ta da!! As always we love to see your makes so please tag us on social media or pop a picture up on our Facebook makers page.
You can buy a supply kit for this project here.
If you enjoyed this or fancy a wee bit more of a challenge, why not try our Sterling Silver Tassel Earring Kit.